Created by Siloma Stephen in Business & Entrepreneurship 8 Nov 2024

For the longest, and as a young entrepreneur, I believed that I would attract many high-paying clients simply because I do incredible websites and design amazing graphics. I was puffed up and I only believed that clients should BUY! BUY! BUY!

It was not until I realized that I should give more to receive more. I learned how to differentiate myself from my competitors by offering freebies that acted as lead magnets. I also learnt to bundle my offering into packages that will be beneficial to my clients.

In business, the Law of Value is simple: the more value you provide, the more success you’ll achieve. Customers come and go, but clients stay when they feel valued beyond the transaction. To build lasting relationships, focus on offering exceptional value that your clients can’t find anywhere else—whether it’s in the form of outstanding service, personalized attention, or a unique approach to solving their problems.

Want to attract more loyal clients who value what you offer? The secret lies in giving more than you take. Learn how to apply the Law of Value to your business and create lasting relationships with your clients. You need to first understand your client by getting to know their demographics, their goals, their pain points, and how your offering will change their lives.

My e-book, Stop Running a Business, Build a Profitable Brand, teaches you how to do incredible audience research to help you deliver exceptional value that keeps your clients coming back. Download it now at https://learn.braitacademy.com/products and follow me on Instagram for more business tips https://instagram.com/silomastephen

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